CRIME REPORTS: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 | |

2022-07-23 03:24:22 By : Ms. Grace He


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The following people were booked into the Lee County-Tupelo Adult Jail in connection with felony charges ending Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Shalunda Tamika Gardner, 45, of Tupelo, was arrested by the Tupelo Police Department, possession of a Schedule II drug.

Jason Chadwick Haughton, 44, of Nettleton, was arrested by the Lee County Sheriff's Office, false pretense.

Kelynn Nicola Renae Simmons, 21, no address listed, was arrested by the Lee County Sheriff's Office, possession of methamphetamine.

The following reports were filed Tuesday by the Lee County Sheriff's Office.

A County Road 661 Guntown man said overnight someone stole a set of four Mud Claw tires on black 22-inch rims. He said they were worth $2,500.

A County Road 1581 woman, 19, said her adoptive mother of five years came to her house and started a disturbance with her and her friends. She said the mother jumped on top of the woman pulling her hair until the adoptive father came in and pulled his wife off. The mother fled before deputies arrived.

A County Road 931 Saltillo woman said a young man wearing all black clothing came to her door around 7 p.m. He asked how many people lived there and what were their ages. When she asked to see his ID, he refused. She didn’t feel safe about the incident and called 911.

A County Road 649 Plantersville woman called 911 saying someone had shot her dog. The responding deputy and the woman determined the dog had actually been run over by a vehicle.

The following reports were filed Tuesday by the Tupelo Police Department.

A woman said a man violated a protection order by not only trying to contact her through a third party but he also showed up at her hotel. Security camera footage confirmed his car in the parking lot.

A woman said she was sleeping outside the Salvation Army and went inside around 4 a.m. to use the bathroom. When she came outside, she noticed her duffel bag was open and her purse and cell phone were missing.

A man came to the police station to report he lost his wallet containing his license and credit card.

A guest at a North Gloster motel said someone hit his car during the night, damaging the front end of his Lexus. He said there was a black pickup parked in front of him the night before.

A woman said while she was inside the Salvation Army Thrift Store on Daybrite Drive, someone hit her parked car, damaging the right rear of her 2019 Hyundai Sonata.

An Elvis Presley Drive woman hired a man living with her neighbor to do some yard work and cut up a tree that had fallen. The man did about half the work by June 12 and requested $750. She gave him cash and he never came back to finish the work. On the same day, the neighbor kicked him out.

A West Main Walmart employee said two Black females selected 15 items worth more than $150. They put price tag stickers for 50-cent tumblers on each one and scanned them at the self checkout. They fled the store before employees could confront them.

A Wilson Street man was holding $600 of his former girlfriend’s money in his checking account. He gave her $500 and said she would have to wait until the following day for the rest because of bank limitations on withdrawals. She showed up at his house around 7 p.m., defecated on his property and broke a window at his house. He has security video of the incident. She later texted, saying his vehicle would be next.

A Bell Circle woman said someone “maliciously applied paint” to her front porch. The crime happened around 10:30 p.m. She was at home but did not hear or see anyone.

Police were called to the Econo Lodge motel on Mississippi Drive for a white female swimming in the pool after 2:30 a.m. The woman did not have a room at the motel, but she did have an outstanding warrant. The 20-year-old was charged with aggravated assault and booked into the county jail.

A South Church Street woman found a debit card in her backyard and turned it over to police.

A woman said she went out to eat with friends and they all went to a male’s McCullough Boulevard apartment for drinks. She decided to stay the night. The next morning, the man’s ex-girlfriend who is pregnant with his child, showed up and started punching her in the head and face while they were still in bed. When the ex-started assaulting the man, the woman was able to slip away and leave the apartment.

Nabor Beauty Supply on South Gloster said while a white couple distracted employees, two Black females stole three wigs and several bottles of Nair. One of the women was wearing an ankle monitor.

A Nixon Drive woman said she has been receiving threatening text messages. He ex-husband’s new girlfriend has been insulting and making threats to physically harm her. The suspect has also used her daughter’s cell phone to send harassing and threatening messages.

A man said after working the night shift at Cooper Tire, he noticed his Ruger 45 handgun was not in his truck.

A woman said she met a friend at the South Gloster Street Jack’s and noticed her ex-boyfriend pull into Connie’s Chicken next door. When she left, the ex- confronted her aggressively, shoved her to the ground and then left.

Anyone with information on any of these crimes is urged to call the Lee County Sheriff's Office at 841-9041, the Tupelo Police Department at 841-6491 or Crime Stoppers of Northeast Mississippi at (800) 773-TIPS or download the P3 Tip App and leave an anonymous tip that way.

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